Intimation under Regulation 30_Sale Deed for Phase 1 and 2 (17-03-2025)

Intimation under Regulation 30 of SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (17-03-2025)

Intimation under Regulation 30 of SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (11-01-2025)

Intimation under regulation 30 of SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (30-12-24)

Announcement Under Regulation 30 -Sale Deed For Phase 3 Lands Situated At Aralvaimozhi Village, Thovalai Taluk, Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu Admeasuring Approximately 13.91 Acres

Retirement of Mr. N H Datanwala as the Chief Financial Officer of the Corporation

Appointment of Mrs. Lalita Rajesh as the Chief Financial Officer of the Corporation

Resignation of Mr. Vinesh Kumar Jairath as an Independent Director of the Corporation

Introduction Of Voluntary Retirement Scheme At Corporation’s Singampatti Group Of Tea Estates

Appointment of Mr. Rajiv Arora as the Chief Operating Officer

Appointment of Mr. Murli Manohar Purohit as the Company Secretary and Compliance Officer

Resignation of Mr. Sanjay Kumar Chowdhary as the Company Secretary and Compliance Officer

Notice of Postal Ballot

Notice of Postal Ballot

Notice of Resignation of Mrs. Gauri Kirloskar

Re-appointment of Mr. Ness N. Wadia as the Managing Director of the Corporation

Resignation of Mr. Dibakar Chatterjee as Chief Executive Officer

Appointment of Mr. Sanjay Kumar Chowdhary as the Company Secretary and Compliance Officer

Risk Management Policy

Resignation of Mr. Hoshi D. Bhagwagar as the Company Secretary and Compliance Officer

Appointment of Mr. N H Datanwala as the Chief Financial Officer

Shareholder Notice -Transfer of shares in dematerialsed form

Appointment of Mr. Dibakar Chatterjee as Chief Executive Officer

Change in Company Secretary and Compliance Officer

Notice of Resignation of Mr. Amit Chhabra

Notice of Appointment of Mr. Amit Chhabra

Policy On Board Diversity

Code of Practices and Procedures for fair disclosure of Unpublished Price Sensitive Information

Familiarisation Programme for Independent Directors

Archival Policy Of Website